


We produce all year round to guarantee our customers a constant service.

The strengths of our production are various, one of these is the continue search for more containers suitable for the plants we grow. Another very important aspect for us is the composition of the substrate used, which we create in our nurserywith real recipes perfected over the years; recipes because, also in this case, the soil produced by us is prepared and used ad hoc, taking into consideration the type of plant and size of the container. Furthermore, over the years we have selected the varieties of trees and shrubs following the needs of the market, and constantly we introduce new varieties to offer an increasingly wider choice to green professionals.

Trees in open field, trees in pot and PlantInBag

We produce trees in the open field available in turf during the vegetative pause period of the plants but, over the years, we have also undertaken and perfected a production of trees in pots in order to respond to a market which no longer follows the rhythms of nature, and give the possibility of planting 365 days a year.

Alongside the classic container, for several years we have been using the PlantInBag (PIB) for the production of trees, a very interesting solution as it speeds up the growth of the plant and also facilitates rooting once planted . 

The PIB is made with a white polypropylene fabric, which thanks to the passage of air and light avoids the spiralization of the roots, guaranteeing an always fresh root system. In addition to the cultivation advantages, it is much more practical than the classic tub, which is lighter, and easy to handle; furthermore, as it is not rigid, the risks of damage to tree trunks during transport are reduced and above all, once the plant has been removed for planting, its disposal is simpler and less expensive.

FIT TREES, grasses and perennial weeds

The latest arrivals in our assortment.

Shaped trees are one of the latest proposals included in our assortment: plants shaped like cubes, cylinders, roofs and espaliers, grown both in the open ground and in containers. Trees grown in obligatory shapes to meet space needs and/or to give the possibility of designing your own green space with geometries.

Our pottery production ranges from ground cover shrubs in potswith a diameter of 14/15 cm, to evergreen, stripping, flowering and hedge shrubs in pots17, 18, 24 , 30 up to large specimen shrubs, we also produce, conifers, climbers and fruit plants also in different sizes, as well as alarge collection of ground cover roses, landscape, grandiflora, polyantha, climbing and espalierall patented by the main hybridizers:  Kordes, Meilland and Tan Tau.

In our production there is also an assortment of shrubs grown in espalier, spiral, pom pom, cone, cube, ball and small trees with spherical crowns.

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